Cloud Z Start Service


table of contents

Business Membership Regis

1. Click the login button at Cloud Z MCMP

2. Click on Join. 


Corporate members who registered through a partner or SK Holdings C&C sales representative can log in using the ID and password provided to them, without the need for separate registration.

3.  Select the company and click the Next button.

4. You can either select each agreement individually, or choose to agree to all Cloud Z terms at once. Once you agree to all mandatory terms, the Next button will be activated. Click the Next button. 

5. If you wish to receive information related to Cloud Z via email, select I agree to receive emails below. After entering the relevant information for each item, click the Submit button. After registration, immediate login to the user portal is not possible, and administrator approval is required for membership. 

Corporate Login

1. Click the login button at the top of Cloud Z MCMP

2. Enter the information for the Cloud Z corporate account you created. The Cloud Z account is the integrated login account required to use Cloud Z-related services. Click the login button. 

Create Group

Access Group Management

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1. Click the login button at the top of Cloud Z MCMP


2. Access the Cloud Z Service Manager from the Service Management section at the top. Click on Group Management in the left menu. 

Add Group


1. Click the Add Group button and enter the required information (Group Name, ID, Last Name, First Name, Email, Email Confirmation). Once you click the Register button, the new group will be added.

Group Login 


1. Click the Register Password button in the group account creation notification email sent to the email address entered when adding the group.


2. Enter the new password and click the Confirm button.


3. The password registration/change has been completed. Click the Confirm button.


4. You can either select each agreement individually, or choose to agree to all Cloud Z terms at once. Once you click the Agree to Terms button, you will be able to use the Cloud Z portal. 

Activate Cloud Service

Access CSP Account Settings

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1. Access the Cloud Z Service Manager from the Service Management section at the top. Click on CSP Account Settings in the left menu.

Activate Service


1. Click the Activate Service button for the service you wish to use. For AWS and Azure services, please contact the Cloud Z Support Portal.


2. Review the service terms and conditions. By clicking the View Previous Terms button, you can check the previous terms. Once you have reviewed all the terms, the Confirm button will be activated. Click the Confirm button.

Use Cloud Z

  • Cloud Z Tag: This is a service that supports integrating Multi-Cloud resources used through Cloud Z, tagging them based on the same criteria, and managing them.
  • Cloud Z Bill: This is a service that provides integrated information about Cloud Z usage costs.
  • Cloud Z Cost Manager: This is a service that analyzes and tracks the costs of customers using Cloud services through Cloud Z, and supports cost optimization.
  • Cloud Z Support Portal: This is a system that collects and manages user technical inquiries and problem-solving requests in one place through the Cloud Z Ticket System.
  • Cloud Z Docs: This is the Cloud Z user manual.
  • Cloud Z Service Manager: This is a service that provides the functionality to manage the service environment necessary to use Cloud services through Cloud Z.
  • Cloud Z Market: This is a service that provides a variety of products in different fields directly offered by Cloud Z.

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